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11.01.2012: Územní plán obce Kadov
25.11.2011: Fotoalbum ze SETKÁNÍ RODÁKŮ
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Obec Kadov je členem mikroregionu Novoměstsko Internetový magazín Žďárské vrchy je partnerem těchto stránek

Základní informace:
Poloha: Obec je součástí kraje Vysočina
Leží na území CHKO Žďárské vrchy
9 km severně od Nového Města na Moravě a 5km jižně od Sněžného
Nadmořská výška: 670 m
Rozloha: katastr obce činí 538 ha
Počet obyvatel: 120


ke článku: Masopust
ze dne 02.02.2011, autor článku: redakce

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Re: Re: CGXFPhoDvcJlYFfmGlNneregistrovaný - Aifagovc13.07.2014 02:25:29
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Re: Re: CGXFPhoDvcJlYFfmGlNneregistrovaný - Aqfagovc20.08.2014 13:54:09
Re: Re: CGXFPhoDvcJlYFfmGlNneregistrovaný - Aefagovc03.09.2014 17:42:55
Re: Re: CGXFPhoDvcJlYFfmGlNneregistrovaný - Abfagovc05.09.2014 01:11:13
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Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - HermanHavy08.03.2015 02:09:14
Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - HermanHavy08.03.2015 13:31:58
Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - HermanHavy09.03.2015 01:07:51
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Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - IraHavy18.03.2015 02:41:29
Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - IraHavy18.03.2015 14:00:43
Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - IraHavy19.03.2015 00:48:26
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Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy21.03.2015 16:56:08
Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 04:08:17
Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 15:05:51
Re: orum, between Palatine along with Esquiline foothills. , the particular Pneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy23.03.2015 02:02:34
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Re:neregistrovaný - HermanHavy07.03.2015 15:10:58
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Re:neregistrovaný - HermanHavy09.03.2015 00:35:19
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Re:neregistrovaný - IraHavy18.03.2015 02:00:56
Re:neregistrovaný - IraHavy18.03.2015 13:19:25
Re:neregistrovaný - IraHavy19.03.2015 00:07:49
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Re:neregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy21.03.2015 16:17:04
Re:neregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 03:17:42
Re:neregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 14:27:16
Re:neregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy23.03.2015 01:23:28
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Re:neregistrovaný - HermanHavy07.03.2015 15:30:25
Re:neregistrovaný - HermanHavy08.03.2015 13:19:07
Re:neregistrovaný - HermanHavy09.03.2015 00:55:14
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Re:neregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy21.03.2015 16:41:25
Re:neregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 03:49:12
Re:neregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 14:51:10
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Re: tralia. She or he seemed to be a helper below old LSU advisorneregistrovaný - HermanHavy07.03.2015 13:15:21
Re: tralia. She or he seemed to be a helper below old LSU advisorneregistrovaný - HermanHavy08.03.2015 10:42:19
Re: tralia. She or he seemed to be a helper below old LSU advisorneregistrovaný - HermanHavy08.03.2015 22:24:23
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Re: tralia. She or he seemed to be a helper below old LSU advisorneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy21.03.2015 13:26:33
Re: tralia. She or he seemed to be a helper below old LSU advisorneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 00:32:04
Re: tralia. She or he seemed to be a helper below old LSU advisorneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 11:43:20
Re: tralia. She or he seemed to be a helper below old LSU advisorneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 22:38:01
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Re: testosterone accommodating mindset within the This year Olympic Games duringneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 04:13:01
Re: testosterone accommodating mindset within the This year Olympic Games duringneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy22.03.2015 15:10:03
Re: testosterone accommodating mindset within the This year Olympic Games duringneregistrovaný - JeffreyHavy23.03.2015 02:06:59
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