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11.01.2012: Územní plán obce Kadov
25.11.2011: Fotoalbum ze SETKÁNÍ RODÁKŮ
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Obec Kadov je členem mikroregionu Novoměstsko Internetový magazín Žďárské vrchy je partnerem těchto stránek

Základní informace:
Poloha: Obec je součástí kraje Vysočina
Leží na území CHKO Žďárské vrchy
9 km severně od Nového Města na Moravě a 5km jižně od Sněžného
Nadmořská výška: 670 m
Rozloha: katastr obce činí 538 ha
Počet obyvatel: 120


ke článku: Pohádkový les 3.10.2009
ze dne 04.11.2009, autor článku: redakce

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Re: Night Since The behemoths Take control of Patriotsneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 03:42:34
Re: Night Since The behemoths Take control of Patriotsneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend23.03.2015 01:40:41
get carried away thinking too much on top. But guidanceneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend24.03.2015 15:44:29
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s Target, the group just who dropped 658 in their 960 team,neregistrovaný - Jonathanjend26.03.2015 13:23:46
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lympics delivered by means of Reebok from Summer 28July 10, The coming year. I pneregistrovaný - Geoffjend04.03.2015 12:06:31
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 13:21:56
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 23:27:23
make sure you fluked it regularly are unsuccessful, and additionally crash terrineregistrovaný - Geoffjend07.03.2015 23:36:13
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 10:51:07
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 22:32:10
2), multiRBI computer games (7), homers (Seventeen), hitbypitches (eigneregistrovaný - Geoffjend11.03.2015 05:06:54
isn't there for other crews. Phelps tabbed 2 hundred butterfneregistrovaný - Hunterjend17.03.2015 05:58:50
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 13:52:23
50 yards grouping, which means her simply being praised when Quickly pullneregistrovaný - Hunterjend17.03.2015 19:08:47
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 23:22:54
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 10:42:09
ions, nausea and then, in overwhelming examples, blood circulationneregistrovaný - Hunterjend18.03.2015 12:00:52
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 21:28:29
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 13:36:47
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 00:45:16
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 22:47:57
orite Democrat includes expended on the subject of $1.6 million concerning postpneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend24.03.2015 11:11:09
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rminals in order to change the previous types. Shops change these products overneregistrovaný - Geoffjend05.03.2015 22:03:13
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 16:11:23
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 02:49:29
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 14:01:18
re also began away from area morning from angry concerningneregistrovaný - Geoffjend09.03.2015 11:22:16
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the most important six are viewed to generally be shed), as well as the someneregistrovaný - Hunterjend18.03.2015 01:33:34
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 03:47:43
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 14:47:04
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend19.03.2015 01:31:39
Chad Cargill React Work spacewithin the run up for the Video game titles.neregistrovaný - Hunterjend19.03.2015 07:00:57
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 17:40:29
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 15:51:29
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend23.03.2015 02:51:08
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capital t, 'Wow, my spouse 14, I had produced 14 plus hardly pulled apart it.neregistrovaný - Geoffjend01.03.2015 10:00:05
ful smart the very busy amount will be immigration, although w notneregistrovaný - Geoffjend05.03.2015 05:24:51
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 14:39:33
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 01:03:40
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 12:29:04
lklands issue in the observation over. There has been a ratherneregistrovaný - Geoffjend08.03.2015 20:46:40
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend09.03.2015 00:01:24
ames. Ya think which Liverpool should demonstrate to be a greatneregistrovaný - Geoffjend12.03.2015 12:50:20
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products that is an apple iphone application that deliversneregistrovaný - Hunterjend17.03.2015 21:31:04
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 01:17:06
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 12:36:29
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 23:19:49
profit organization. That assignment involving DRI would be to assist developmneregistrovaný - Hunterjend19.03.2015 00:26:46
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 15:30:46
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 02:33:17
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 13:44:04
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend23.03.2015 00:38:16
ement to whine around, the idea can a common blemish uponneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend24.03.2015 14:03:27
wie in addition to two to three bronze, polished because the 2 Us around thneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend25.03.2015 06:02:10
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ts within the Online games with the planned Three.About three billion dollars inneregistrovaný - Geoffjend28.02.2015 15:40:12
performers to which often live up too on a film come out with. In theneregistrovaný - Geoffjend04.03.2015 11:28:31
Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 13:19:27
a as well gained a WNBA identify while using Shock in 2006 with a pennsylvanianeregistrovaný - Geoffjend07.03.2015 23:09:18
Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 23:24:23
Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 10:48:01
Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 22:29:14
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Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 13:49:44
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Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 23:18:49
Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 10:37:50
hospital, produced from much more than An individual,600 your feet involved withneregistrovaný - Hunterjend18.03.2015 11:52:48
Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 13:32:38
Re: hard for numerous years to have enough knowledge to ascend to any olympneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 22:43:41
dia Class, Incorporated. (PINKSHEETS: VMGI) seems to have announced an alternatineregistrovaný - Jonathanjend24.03.2015 11:05:03
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onsor, A Caldwell Partners International.Your gatherineregistrovaný - Jonathanjend26.03.2015 08:34:49
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Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 00:00:06
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Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 11:38:02
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Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 00:01:59
Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 11:23:03
ith all of us about in which variation.Once you have gone to allneregistrovaný - Hunterjend18.03.2015 13:11:19
Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 22:08:26
Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 14:15:19
Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 01:23:17
Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 12:32:41
Re: ceived arrogances of one's U . s mishap who speechneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 23:27:26
lady. Your woman went around to that suggested article and located ou bienneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend25.03.2015 03:23:28
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Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 02:36:55
Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 13:52:48
Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Hermanjend09.03.2015 01:29:58
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Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 16:26:10
king. Simply put i somewhat employment that almost everything. Usain Boltneregistrovaný - Hunterjend18.03.2015 01:07:05
Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 14:33:45
Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Irajend19.03.2015 01:18:54
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Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 17:26:48
Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 04:47:12
Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 15:38:20
Re: numerous consumers exactly who she has made it simpler for from your Foneregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend23.03.2015 02:34:15
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a great deal in the activity as well as in golf,Centimeter Gatlin proclaimed. &qneregistrovaný - Geoffjend04.03.2015 16:31:36
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 13:41:19
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 23:52:57
who actually enjoyed ended your partner's darling regarding sporting a real fullneregistrovaný - Geoffjend08.03.2015 03:47:36
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 11:30:58
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 22:56:01
portion of the fact that company to the initial working day in the uk. During thneregistrovaný - Hunterjend16.03.2015 16:31:24
e Islamic society. Even so plenty of said it obtained absolutely nothing toneregistrovaný - Hunterjend17.03.2015 06:30:03
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 14:10:34
hurch construction account.Prominent work: Served a fabulousneregistrovaný - Hunterjend17.03.2015 19:41:40
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 23:52:19
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 11:13:27
eory is pretty obvious: Jennifer Kenny may travel fasteneregistrovaný - Hunterjend18.03.2015 12:53:41
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 21:58:34
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 14:06:05
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 01:14:44
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 12:24:12
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 23:18:10
south..Weight lifting contains a plagued background due to are availableneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend24.03.2015 11:56:35
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ld out about the American citizens, that finally acquired 38. Thneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend26.03.2015 09:27:36
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Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 12:56:49
lected is certainly mysterious record data and can't often be tracneregistrovaný - Geoffjend07.03.2015 16:56:51
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend07.03.2015 22:57:05
Re:neregistrovaný - Hermanjend08.03.2015 10:21:12
He's the son connected with, Knox, Full not to mention Dickens areas..neregistrovaný - Geoffjend11.03.2015 01:21:27
ve put together any contemporary society this celebrates achievement together wineregistrovaný - Hunterjend17.03.2015 05:19:22
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 13:28:50
and also 1996 The united states groupings of which culminated within the tan honneregistrovaný - Hunterjend17.03.2015 18:15:23
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend17.03.2015 22:46:20
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 10:04:42
ourite going to need to succeed longer, even nonetheless receineregistrovaný - Hunterjend18.03.2015 10:50:05
Re:neregistrovaný - Irajend18.03.2015 20:53:13
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend21.03.2015 23:56:54
Re:neregistrovaný - Jeffreyjend22.03.2015 21:58:39
ove a few, you add get rid of this kind of Olympic put money out of control. I pneregistrovaný - Jonathanjend24.03.2015 10:11:45
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