For those who are not familiar with Zazzle, it is a print on demand, online gift shop. You can customize and personalize your own or products found on most shopkeepers stores. Funnyjokes Shop allows a person to change the background, sizes, images, text, style, and more with just a few clicks.
Hutton's piece is followed by "Ground Zero," Gabrielle Barnett's take on post 9/11 American values. Barnett is engaging as Miss American Pie, a well intentioned but misguided symbol of the American spirit with a few thoughts on environmental sustainability, patriotism and American heritage. Barnett's doe eyed Lady Liberty comes across as innocuous, but like a teenage "mean girl," her bubbly exterior is camouflage for a few well aimed barbs. The piece is both ruthless and endearing, although it could have ended a few lines earlier; the end felt a little too pat.
Zombie repellant.
Michael Kors Cyber Monday 2014